KFC ‘Sharemobile’ + Blessings in a Backpack spread joy in Chicago

KFC is touring the U.S. in a holiday-themed food truck to spread joy this season. They are partnering with Blessings in a Backpack to make it all happen!
On December 5, the “Sharemobile” brightened spirits in Chicago’s Brighton Park neighborhood.
Its first stop was Shields Elementary School where about 400 kids took home a hot meal. The students were dismissed from school where quite the after-school treat was waiting for them.
Each child was also given a gift card to enjoy another meal with loved ones at a later date.
“Since 1952, KFC has been bringing people together around the table with a bucket of chicken, so we wanted to make sure all these families have a wonderful dinner to take home tonight,” said Lori Eberenz, KFC U.S. Director of Public Relations.
The food truck is making stops in three cities, providing roughly 70,000 meals to those in need this season. The Sharemobile will also be making stops in Orlando and Houston.
Click here to learn how KFC and Blessings in a Backpack are giving back this holiday season!